Monday, 03 October 2016 17:23

Thank You for Supporting Post 757 Baseball

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A BIG THANK YOU to everyone that came out and supported the Chillicothe Post 757 Baseball program this past Saturday at Chillicothe Applebee's. It was great seeing everyone! We didn't get a lot of pictures but did get a few! Thanks again for supporting YOUR Chillicothe 757 Colts!

We also need to thank all the volunteers that woke up early Saturday to come down and help: 

  1. Danny Barker
  2. Kim Hoffman
  3. Chad Ison
  4. Roman Long
  5. Coach Seth McGuire
  6. Coach Derrek Milliken
  7. Coach Ryan Milliken
  8. Anita Ragland 
  9. The Barr Clan (Caralee, Drew & Tom)
Read 4648 times Last modified on Tuesday, 11 October 2016 00:54